The FWO-SBO project Future Floodplains concerns innovative research that, when scientific successful, offers a prospect for future social value creation for Flanders. Valorisation of the end results is therefore an important part of the project.
The project proposal is the result of an intense interaction between various scientific partners and social end users. Also during the project, this cooperation is very important. The end users will, within a participative approach, co-decide on the research priorities and will provide input on the content and characteristics of the decision support system (WP6).
The end results of the Future Floodplains project will be relevant for governmental
and non-governmental
institutes and organizations
that are dealing with the development and implementation of management policies related to rivers and floodplains. This includes nature and environmental policies, nature conservation and management, flood water management, cultural and natural heritage, and agricultural, hunting and recreation policies. The outcomes of this project will provide the various stakeholders involved with floodplains the necessary tools to compare the value of the various, often conflicting, ecosystem services attributed to floodplains so that more balanced policy and management decisions can be made.

Social end users
The following social users have agreed to participate in the advisory committee and will actively cooperate during and after the project: Agentschap Natuur en Bos (ANB); Bekkensecretariaten Demer, Dijle-Zenne en Nete; De Watergroep; Natuurpunt Beheer; Regionale Landschappen Zuid Hageland, Noord Hageland, Haspengouw en Voeren, Dijleland, Kleine en Grote Nete; Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM); and Flemish government, Department Landbouw en Visserij, and Department Omgeving.
Interested to cooperate and to contribute to the project? Please contact the project coordinator or project manager.